#OCPBUGS-41270issue8 days ago"pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network" are failing on multiple platforms Verified
Issue 16265652: "pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network" are failing on multiple platforms
Description: Component Readiness has found a potential regression in the following test:
 [sig-network] pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network{code}
 Probability of significant regression: 96.41%
 Sample (being evaluated) Release: 4.17
 Start Time: 2024-08-27T00:00:00Z
 End Time: 2024-09-03T23:59:59Z
 Success Rate: 88.37%
 Successes: 26
 Failures: 5
 Flakes: 12
 Base (historical) Release: 4.16
 Start Time: 2024-05-31T00:00:00Z
 End Time: 2024-06-27T23:59:59Z
 Success Rate: 98.46%
 Successes: 43
 Failures: 1
 Flakes: 21
 View the test details report at []
 Here is [an example run|]. 
 We see the following signature for the failure:
 namespace/openshift-etcd node/master-0 pod/revision-pruner-11-master-0 hmsg/b90fda805a - 111.86 seconds after deletion - firstTimestamp/2024-09-02T13:14:37Z interesting/true lastTimestamp/2024-09-02T13:14:37Z reason/FailedCreatePodSandBox Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create pod network sandbox k8s_revision-pruner-11-master-0_openshift-etcd_08346d8f-7d22-4d70-ab40-538a67e21e3c_0(d4b61f9ff9f2ddfd3b64352203e8a3eafc2c3bd7c3d31a0a573bc29e4ac6da57): error adding pod openshift-etcd_revision-pruner-11-master-0 to CNI network "multus-cni-network": plugin type="multus-shim" name="multus-cni-network" failed (add): CmdAdd (shim): CNI request failed with status 400: 'ContainerID:"d4b61f9ff9f2ddfd3b64352203e8a3eafc2c3bd7c3d31a0a573bc29e4ac6da57" Netns:"/var/run/netns/97dc5eb9-19da-462f-8b2e-c301cfd7f3cf" IfName:"eth0" Args:"IgnoreUnknown=1;K8S_POD_NAMESPACE=openshift-etcd;K8S_POD_NAME=revision-pruner-11-master-0;K8S_POD_INFRA_CONTAINER_ID=d4b61f9ff9f2ddfd3b64352203e8a3eafc2c3bd7c3d31a0a573bc29e4ac6da57;K8S_POD_UID=08346d8f-7d22-4d70-ab40-538a67e21e3c" Path:"" ERRORED: error configuring pod [openshift-etcd/revision-pruner-11-master-0] networking: Multus: [openshift-etcd/revision-pruner-11-master-0/08346d8f-7d22-4d70-ab40-538a67e21e3c]: error waiting for pod: pod "revision-pruner-11-master-0" not found  {code}
 The same signature has been reported for both [azure|] and [x390x |]as well.
 It is worth mentioning that sdn to ovn transition adds some complication to our analysis. From the component readiness above, you will see most of the failures are for job: periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-nightly-X.X-upgrade-from-stable-X.X-e2e-metal-ipi-ovn-upgrade. This is a new job for 4.17 and therefore miss base stats in 4.16.
 So we ask for:
  # An analysis of the root cause and impact of this issue
  # Team can compare relevant 4.16 sdn jobs to see if this is really a regression.
  # Given the current passing rate of 88%, what priority we should give to this?
  # Since this is affecting component readiness, and management depends on a green dashboard for release decision, we need to figure out what is the best approach for handling this issue.
Status: Verified
#OCPBUGS-44886issue10 days ago[CI] [sig-network] pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network New
Issue 16478637: [CI] [sig-network] pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network
Description: ShiftStack CI shows potential regression in the following test:
 [sig-network] pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network{code}
  * Test runs 100% passed for [4.15|]
  * Test runs 95% (~91% Pass, ~4% Flaky, ~4% Fail) passed for [4.16|]
  * Test runs 96% (~96% Pass, ~0% Flaky, ~3% Fail) passed for [4.17|]
 View the test details report at:
  * [4.16|]
  * [4.17|]
 Those failed tests are flaky but persist on 4.16 and 4.17 releases. Besides, I found only one failure in [4.18|] at this moment.
Status: New
pull-ci-openshift-origin-master-e2e-metal-ipi-ovn (all) - 84 runs, 56% failed, 9% of failures match = 5% impact
#1864661850835128320junit14 hours ago
# [sig-network] pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network
1 failures to create the sandbox
#1861530008384704512junit9 days ago
# [sig-network] pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network
1 failures to create the sandbox
#1861420373375979520junit9 days ago
# [sig-network] pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network
4 failures to create the sandbox
#1859942839387951104junit13 days ago
# [sig-network] pods should successfully create sandboxes by adding pod to network
4 failures to create the sandbox

Found in 4.76% of runs (8.51% of failures) across 84 total runs and 1 jobs (55.95% failed) in 168ms - clear search | chart view - source code located on github